Jet Your Way To a Healthier You – Airport Workout

Jet Your Way To a Healthier You – Airport Workout

Summer travel season is here and if you’re like me, you’re going to be getting on a plane soon. My wife and I will be traveling to Bulgaria, Romania, and Greece in September for a belated 1-year anniversary trip. We couldn’t be more excited, but as you know – travel means “vacation mode” And “vacation mode” means not exercising and eating things you typically wouldn’t do at home.

Here’s a quick airport workout we’ll be doing during our long layovers. This workout features targeted mobility work with 4 key movements incorporating restorative stretches and moves to get the blood flowing. All of which can be performed within your terminal. Find a quiet area of floor space, tune out the hustle and bustle of the airport, and let’s get to work!


How to Do it: Begin the high plank position — similar to the top of a push-up with your body straight and supported by your palms and forefeet. Move to the pike position by driving your hips back and up, putting your body into an inverted v-shape. Next, reach one hand toward the opposite foot. Return to the pike position and repeat with the other hand to the opposite foot. Drop your hips and return to the high plank position to complete the repetition. Repeat the entire sequence for reps. Sets and Reps: 3 x 10


How to Do it: From the high plank position with your hands and feet on the ground, bring one leg forward. Place your foot outside of your hand, or as close as your flexibility allows. Lift your hand on the forward leg side and reach for the ceiling. Rotate your trunk and follow your hand with your eyes. Replace your hand to the floor and bring your leg back to the high plank position. Repeat with the other side to complete one full repetition. Sets and Reps: 3 x 10 per side


How to Do it: Get into a side plank position, supporting your body with one forearm and both feet. To enhance stability, place the foot of your top leg slightly in front of the foot of your bottom leg. Reach the hand of your top arm underneath your rib cage, near the ground, and toward the wall behind you. Allow your body to rotate at your support-side shoulder and keep your eyes locked on your moving hand. Reverse the movement and reach your moving arm toward the ceiling. Sets and Reps: 3 x 10 per side.


How to Do it: Lie on your back with your arms straight up and your legs bent at roughly 90 degrees. Bring your low back into contact with the floor by rolling your pelvis backward (imagine “tucking your tail” or “bringing your belt buckle toward your chin”). Keep your low back in contact with the ground throughout the exercise. Simultaneously bring one arm to the ground overhead and the opposite leg down to the ground. Return to the start position. Repeat with the other arm and leg to complete one repetition. This can require some coordination, so move slowly and focus on controlling the movement Sets and Reps: 3 x 10 per side.

These four moves will encourage blood flow and mobility in between long flights. Follow on IG so you can see the video when we post it of us doing these moves at the airport. And if you’re looking for more inspo of workouts you can do at the airport, check out this article from Breaking Muscle.