New Year, New Fitness Goals – Realistic Expectations for 2024

New Year, New Fitness Goals – Realistic Expectations for 2024

The start of the New Year can bring excitement and hope for what’s to come. Many of us set New Year’s Resolutions to become a better version of ourselves relating to health and wellness. If that sounds like you, keep reading to see how you can set realistic expectations for 2024 and how to stick with it all year long.

Setting goals does require thought and preparation. Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to eat healthier? Anything relating to health and wellness when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions can be easy to fall to the wayside as the year progresses. Here’s how to make your goals realistic and attainable:

  1. Add Movement By Setting Time Goals
    It’s important to incorporate movement into your health and fitness goals. Many suggest that people do 150 minutes a week of movement, and that can seem like a lot especially for those just starting. So, start small. Try going for a 10-minute walk each day or being active for 30 minutes or more 2-3 times a week. Then once that seems comfortable enough, increase it by 10-minute increments.
  2. Eat Three Balanced Meals Throughout The Day
    Step up your nutrition to help you reach your goals. This doesn’t mean you need to necessarily cut out food groups, but aim for 3 balanced meals a day. This means filling half your plate with vegetables, a quarter of protein, and a quarter of whole grains.
  3. Try A New Exercise Every Week
    If you’ve been following me, then you know I talk a lot about being careful to not fall into a fitness routine for too long. When your body gets used to an exercise, it goes into maintenance mode and your results can become stagnant. Instead, try a new exercise every week. This will not only keep your body guessing and continue working towards the results you want, but it also keeps exercise exciting so YOU don’t get bored and let your fitness routine fall to the wayside.
  4. Drink More Water Daily
    Proper hydration is key to weight loss and feeling healthier. There isn’t a universal number as to what you should consume but aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. This not only will help you feel fuller longer, so you don’t consume as much junk food, but it also allows your body to flush out toxins that are otherwise making you feel bloated and icky.
  5. Set A Step Goal
    Walking is a great form of exercise. Setting a step goal can keep you motivated and moving which can ultimately lead to seeing the results you’re looking for. I recommend to my clients about 10,000 steps a day. If that seems intimidating, start with a lower number such as 7,000, and work your way up by upping that goal 10% weekly.

Last year, did you find yourself feeling frustrated while trying to get fit because you just weren’t seeing the results you wanted?

You found yourself doing all the things you should be doing, even trying quick fixes and nothing seemed to be working…

Maybe it was because you didn’t have a structured program to follow or your body fell into maintenance mode from doing all the same things for too long – which believe it or not, can happen!

Being more active is always great for your health first and foremost BUT if you have specific goals such as weight loss or muscle tone, you need to make sure you are doing workouts that are in a progressive tone to get you those results.

Working with a personal trainer in person OR online can help you do exactly that. Working with me, I can create a personalized program specific to you and your goals for 2024 so you can actually see results this year rather than end it the same way you did in 2023 – frustrated and on the verge of giving up.

Ready to workout this new year and ACTUALLY see the results you’re looking for? Let’s chat about my 1:1 virtual and in-home programs personalized to you!

If you’d like more information, contact me today!