5 Ways To Stay Fit During the Holidays

5 Ways To Stay Fit During the Holidays

We all know how the holidays can undo healthy habits. The baking, the family gatherings, and holiday parties, all lead to indulging in sweets and not making time for yourself. Many tend to find it difficult to stick to their health and fitness routines.

Well, I’m here to tell you this year can be different.

Let me share with you my 5 ways to stay fit during the holidays. Keep reading!

  1. Don’t stop moving
    Too much sitting can be hazardous to your health and I don’t know about you, but I find myself sitting A LOT during the holidays when I’m with family. Instead, make an effort to stand when hanging out with everyone rather than sitting for long periods. Help with the cleaning and any other tasks that may be needed so you can make an effort to get up every 30 to 60 minutes and move around. Also, try incorporating short walks. Whether it’s short bursts walking into the store, or walking around your neighborhood. Just keep moving.
  2. Stay hydrated
    Your brain can confuse hunger for thirst. By having a whole glass of water before a meal, you allow your body to let you know when it’s full so you can consume less. It’s important to drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water per day. Especially during this time of year when alcohol can play a huge role in the celebrations.
  3. Make a schedule
    Make a list and check it twice. It’s easy to forget things during this busy time of year, so writing down lists or schedules and including a “workout” can help make sure you stick with it. Find at least 15 minutes to do some bodyweight exercises or kettlebell swings. Your body will thank you.
  4. Be mindful
    It’s easy to overindulge during the holidays especially when there are so many leftovers and parties to attend. But, remember it’s only one night not a whole season. When the parties are over, ditch the junk!
  5. Focus on yourself
    Stress can lead to overindulging as well and we all know there is plenty of stress to go around this season. Stress can lead to comfort food and poor sleep. Both can lead to weight gain. So make sure to take the time to focus on yourself and your wellbeing. Incorporate in your schedule some “me-time” like a self-care routine.