As a Beginner, How Often Should You Workout?

As a Beginner, How Often Should You Workout?

Are you in the beginning stages of your fitness journey and are wondering how often you should workout in order to see results?

You are not alone! This is a very common question among beginners when first training at the gym, on their own or with a personal trainer.

Having a plan and a goal is the best way to make sure you stay consistent in your exercise journey. So, let’s take a look at how often should you workout as a beginner:


If you’re new to working out, thinking you have to do so everyday can seem quite intimidating. And I’m here to tell you that is not the case! Working out each day especially as a beginner is a fast way to lead to injury, not necessarily weight loss. According to The American Heart Association recommends 75-150 minutes of aerobic activity, as well as two strength-training sessions, per week. Assuming the strength training sessions last roughly 20 minutes each, that breaks down to about three hours of exercise a week. Not too bad right?


Another concern I see among my clients who are just starting out, is how hard the workouts actually have to be. If you are new to working out, it’s OK if you want to walk on the treadmill for 40 minutes to start off with and then slowly incorporate bodyweight exercises. You know your body best, and it’s important to start small and see what feels right to you.


Once you have a good routine down, it’s time to change it up! I know it sounds counterintuitive, but staying on a routine does not mean you’ll reach your fitness goals. Regularly changing things up, for example: Doing HIIT one day, strength training the next – can help you avoid injury and strengthen all of your body’s muscle groups.

Ultimately, making time for exercise matters and it’s important to invest in your health. Even 10 minute workouts can help improve your health. And no matter what the duration of your workout is, you should just be proud of what you accomplished.

Looking to train with someone to teach you about working out and reaching your goals? Train with me and I’ll provide you with helpful tips, correction of form, and motivation to push through to your optimum level of exercising.

Now offering In-Home, Onsite & Virtual Training!

Tough to find time to get to the gym? Hesitant to visit the gym in the first place? I’ll bring the equipment and workout to you – at your home, office, place of business, or even virtually!

Workout more frequently and consistently, feel better and transform your body.

Book with me today for a free consultation!